Whale Experiences
Southern Right Whales have been visiting Warrnambool for hundreds of years. Once they were hunted almost to the point of extinction, but since whaling was outlawed in 1935, their numbers have been growing.
In summer, Southern Right whales live in the sub-Antarctic. In winter, they migrate to warmer waters around the southern areas of Australia.
The females migrate to the “nursery” areas close to the shore to bear their calves, while the males, yearlings and young adults remain further out to sea.
When Fiona Van Kempen owner of Warrnambool Tours had her first business ‘Smoko Express’ she spent every weekend of the whale season at Logans Beach with her food van ( before the carpark was even sealed). Over those years Fiona made friends with many whale enthusiasts. Let Fiona share with you knowledge from these experts & the many stories of the remarkable actions of the Southern Right Whales she has encountered in that time.
Our Warrnambool Whale Experiences

Daily Whale Express Bus Tour
Whale Season
75 mins | $35 Adult $25 Child
Bookings Only Tour
Southern Right Whales have been visiting Warrnambool for hundreds of years. Once they were hunted almost

Warrnambool Wanderer Tour
9am & 1pm | 3 HOUR | $90 Adult
Bookings Only Tour
Warrnambool Wanderer Tour will take you exploring around Warrnambool & show you why it is Australia’s most livable city